2017 February Half Term Film-Making Sessions

LOCWS Creative Participation Programme Featuring Young People from Swansea's EYST Filming in their Offices

February half term was exceptionally busy this year as we ran back-to-back film-making workshops with participants from Swansea’s African Community Centre and the Ethnic Youth Support Team (EYST). Over twenty young people learned film-making skills over four consecutive days with the aim of the course being to have finished films created and produced by the learners by the end of the sessions. The films created will go on to be featured in the summer’s 2017 SwanComm Film Festival, a participant led and organised community film festival.

The groups produced very different films with the young people from EYST focussing on belonging, identity and community and looking at the services EYST provide. Shahab Miah, a support worker from EYST told us that the group had really interesting in-depth discussions around the subjects they were exploring and the young people really tried to identify with people from all walks of the community in thinking about creating the film.

Young people from the African Community Centre created a spooktacular thriller. Their course was held by the National Waterfront Museum which provided a spectacular atmospheric backdrop for the film and the group had great fun having the run of the museum at night!

We can’t wait to see the finished films but in the meantime here’s a short preview of the film created by the young people from the African Community Centre…