New Art Appears In Unusual Locations Across The City of Swansea

A wide variety of intriguing new artworks are starting to appear in unusual locations across the City of Swansea. From inside the city’s brand new Bus Station to within the ruins of Swansea Castle, on hoardings on the busy High Street to the tranquillity of Cwmdonkin Park, the bold new artworks are appearing one by one in the build up to one of Wales’ most exciting visual arts events.

On the 7th of October 5 brand new temporary artworks go live across Swansea signalling the start of another LOCWS International ‘Art Across The City’ event. Each of the new artworks are made as a direct response to the culture and heritage of the city by artists from the Sweden, Wales and the wider UK. The artists are Bristow Lloyd, Holly Davey, Helen Edling, Mark Folds and S Mark Gubb and each has spent time in the city exploring and researching their ideas for the new works.

“This new group of artists have all come up with some exciting ideas in response to Swansea”, said Project Coordinator Erin Rickard, “Two of the artists have picked up on the city’s rich literary heritage with new works inspired by the poets Dylan Thomas and David Hughes. There are two magical installations created in response to the Polish painter Josef Herman, whose centenary is celebrated this year, and other artworks pick up on both the historical and future aspects of the city. It’s been inspiring to work with these artists who have created such diverse and engaging artworks for the people of Swansea to enjoy.”
The ‘Art Across The City’ event opens to the public on 7th October and runs until 30th October. All artworks are free to see and open to all. An information point will be located at the Civic Centre where free brochures and maps of all the exhibits are available. For further information visit www.artacrossthecity.com. For a free guided tour of the artworks please call 01792 468979
In addition to the new artworks, there’s an exhibition of artwork made by Swansea school pupils as part of Locws International’s ‘Learning and Outreach Programme’. The exhibition is also at the Civic Centre between 7th and 30th of October, and celebrates the artistic achievements of pupils from Ysgol Crug Glas and Sea View Primary School, Ysgol Felindre, Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn, and Ysgol Pen-y-Fro who have created their own artworks as a response to previous ‘Art Across The City’ events.
Locws International works with international and Welsh contemporary artists to create new visual artworks and projects that respond to the culture and heritage of the City of Swansea. With support from the Arts Council of Wales, City & County of Swansea, National Lottery, Welsh Government, National Museum of Wales, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and the David & Christopher Lewis Foundation.
– Ends –
Notes to Editors:
For further information contact Erin Rickard, Project Coordinator
on 01792 468979 or erin@locwsinternational.com/old



CCelf Newydd yn Ymddangos Mewn Lleoliadau Anarferol Ar Draws Dinas Abertawe
Mae amrywiaeth eang o waith celf diddorol yn dechrau ymddangos mewn lleoliadau anarferol ar draws Dinas Abertawe. O’r tu mewn i Orsaf Fysus newydd sbon y ddinas i’r tu mewn i furiau adfeilion Castell Abertawe, ar y Stryd Fawr brysur i heddwch Parc Cwmdoncyn, mae’r gwaith celf newydd ac amlwg yn ymddangos yn raddol yn y cyfnod cyn un o ddigwyddiadau celf gweledol fwyaf cyffrous Cymru.
Ar 7 Hydref bydd 5 darn o waith celf newydd sbon yn mynd yn fyw dros Abertawe gan ddynodi dechreuad digwyddiad ‘Celf ar Draws y Ddinas’ arall LOCWS Rhyngwladol. Mae pob un o’r darnau celf newydd wedi’u creu fel ymateb uniongyrchol i ddiwylliant a threftadaeth y ddinas gan artistiaid o Sweden, Cymru a’r DU. Yr artistiaid yw Bristow Lloyd, Holly Davey, Helen Edling, Mark Folds a S Mark Gubb ac mae pob un wedi treulio amser yn y ddinas yn archwilio ac yn ymchwilio i’w syniadau am y darnau newydd.

“Mae’r grŵp newydd hwn o artistiaid i gyd wedi cael syniadau cyffrous wrth ymateb i Abertawe”, meddai Erin Rickard, Cydlynydd y Prosiect. “Mae dau o’r artistiaid wedi ymateb i dreftadaeth lenyddol gyfoethog y ddinas gyda gweithiau newydd wedi’u hysbrydoli gan y beirdd Dylan Thomas a David Hughes. Ceir dau osodiad hudolus a grëwyd mewn ymateb i Josef Herman, yr arlunydd o Wlad Pŵyl, yr ydym yn dathlu ei ganmlwyddiant eleni, ac mae’r gwaith celf arall yn ymateb i agweddau hanesyddol a’r dyfodol ar y ddinas. Mae wedi bod yn ysbrydoledig i weithio gyda’r artistiaid hyn sydd wedi creu gwaith celf mor greadigol ac amrywiol i bobl Abertawe ei fwynhau.”
Mae’r digwyddiad ‘Celf ar Draws y Ddinas’ yn agor i’r cyhoedd ar 7 Hydref ac fe’i cynhelir tan 30 Hydref. Mae’r holl waith celf am ddim ac ar gael i bawb. Bydd man gwybodaeth yn y Ganolfan Ddinesig lle bydd cylchgronau a mapiau o’r holl arddangosfeydd ar gael. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ewch i www.artacrossthecity.com. I gael taith tywys am ddim o’r holl ddarnau celf, ffoniwch 01792 468979.
Yn ogystal â’r gwaith celf newydd, bydd arddangosfa o waith celf gan ddisgyblion ysgol Abertawe fel rhan o ‘Raglen Allgymorth a Dysgu’ Locws Rhyngwladol. Mae’r arddangosfa hefyd yn y Ganolfan Ddinesig rhwng 7 a 30 Hydref, ac mae’n dathlu cyflawniadau artistig disgyblion o Ysgol Crug Glas ac Ysgol Gynradd Sea View, Ysgol Felindre, Ysgol Pen-y-Bryn ac Ysgol Pen-y-Fro sydd wedi creu eu darnau celf eu hunain er mwyn ymateb i ddigwyddiadau ‘Celf ar Draws y Ddinas’ blaenorol.

Mae Locws Rhyngwladol yn gweithio gydag artistiaid cyfoes rhyngwladol a Chymreig i greu gweithiau a phrosiectau celf weledol newydd sy’n ymateb i ddiwylliant a threftadaeth dinas Abertawe. Gyda chefnogaeth gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Dinas a Sir Abertawe, y Loteri Genedlaethol, Llywodraeth Cymru, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru, Ymddiriedolaeth Esmeé Fairbairn ac Ymddiriedolaeth David & Christopher Lewis.
– Diwedd –
Nodyn i’r Golygyddion: Am fwy o wybodaeth, ffoniwch Erin Rickard, Cydlynydd y Prosiect
ar 01792 468979 neu e-bostiwch erin@locwsinternational.com/old
