Land and Sea
Quadrant Shopping Centre / Bus Station
Neville Gabie has created a project that literally illustrates the face of Swansea: its landscape, buildings and evolving skyline.
Travelling on various bus routes around the city, Gabie produced a series of drawings onto the windows of the bus in the brief moments it stopped to pick up passengers. By filming this process, it became a way of mapping and holding onto the glimpses one sees when passing through the city.
Alongside the bus journey, Gabie presents two parallel films, a train journey across Siberia and a sea passage to Antarctica. By presenting the three journeys together, in the Quadrant Shopping Centre on the approach to the bus station, he creates a metaphorical starting point for the journey of the imagination, as well as a real launch pad for many Swansea adventures.
Neville Gabie was born in Johannesburg, South Africa and now lives and works in Stroud, UK.
He completed his MA in sculpture at the Royal College of Art in 1988. He has undertaken a number of international residences, and has curated and organised off-site projects in the UK. His work has been shown extensively internationally and nationally.